Tag Archives: grocery shopping

Why I DON’T Let My Husband Grocery Shop

Another post I wrote a while back and am transferring from another site. I really enjoy being able to look back and see what was going on in our lives!

After a really stressful week, my husband so kindly offered to go to the grocery store.  I was so excited, not because I hate to go grocery shopping–it’s actually calming sometimes compared to being at home with the two little monsters–but I just really wanted to lay on the couch and do nothing.  As he’s walking out the door, he tells me to text him a list because he’ll go to the store after he leaves his part-time job (What a great man!  He works so hard for us!  And yes, I’m feeling a little guilty writing a post that seems like I’m complaining when he’s going to the grocery story for me after leaving his second job…)

A little while later, I dutifully looked through the cabinets, saw what we need to get our week started and to pack Little Man’s lunches.

“milk, string cheese, Capri Sun, applesauce cups–store brand, green apples, and bananas”

I sent that text with my fingers crossed because I know good and well that he has a hard time sticking to the list!  I hate to waste money on the extras!!!  I was actually waiting for a reply text that said something like, “What aisle do I find applesauce on?”, but I got nothing.  Relieved, I zoned out for a little while longer and relaxed with some mindless TV.  (Again…feeling a little guilty…)

Well, a little while later, the front door opens up, and in he walks with about 5 full bags.  UH-OH!  What has he bought?  Now, I’m not a huge food prude, well maybe a little, but I do try really hard to stick to a budget and not buy overly processed food.  I started unpacking the bags, and this is what I found.
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Why I Only Shop at ONE Grocery Store | grocery shopping, food lion, frugal


Can I just say how much I dislike loathe Walmart?  I walk in that store and I immediately feel like a crazy person.  Droves of people are there, I am almost guaranteed to see someone I know-especially if I’m there without having fixed my hair or done my makeup, and there is just a general sense of chaos.  But alas, if you live anywhere like we do, then Walmart has become a necessary evil.  If I need anything other than groceries, I almost always have to go there or drive 45 minutes to the nearest point of civilization.  About 99.9% of the time I choose Walmart because I don’t want to spend the gas money to drive somewhere else.  While I don’t have the luxury of choosing from many stores to shop around at for most items, I can at least choose a different place for grocery shopping!!

I have found that deciding on one place to grocery shop consistently really does make sense for us when trying to save money.  I don’t have the time or desire to drive around to different stores trying to snag every little deal.  Time is money people!!  So here are my Top 5 reasons to stick with only one grocery store.  Drum roll please…

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